How to achieve balance in an uncertain world by Nayaswami Jyotish, disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda author of Autobiography of a Yogi
A Touch of Light

Achieving Balance in an Unbalanced World

As I travel around the world, one of the questions asked most often is, “How can I bring my life into balance?” People feel pressured and pushed, unable to get centered. Rebalancing requires effort since we may have to change some long-standing patterns. This is inner work—it is no use looking for help in the world around us. People have … Read More

A Touch of Light

The Economy of God

The elderly nun quietly entered the refectory of the convent. Clasping her hands together and looking heavenward, she exclaimed, “Ah, the economy of God! If there are three people in a room, they are all teaching each other a lesson.” A friend who was at the convent just then on retreat shared this story with me.

Health and Healing, Spiritualizing Daily Life

Are You Out of Balance?

Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. The power of attraction holds families together and keeps the planets in their orbits.