I had an intriguing dream a few nights ago: It began as a conversation with a visionary scientist, reminiscent of Nikola Tesla, explaining to us his theories on the inner workings of the universe. Such conversations usually fly well over my head, but because he was communicating not with words but thought transference, I could easily understand his concepts.

I then said to him, “We must take you to see Ananda Village, where another kind of visionary thinking is being expressed.” Immediately we were there, seemingly moving on thought waves, and found ourselves at the high school.

The teachers, students, buildings, and grounds were radiant with light and joy. Everyone was moving freely and harmoniously, as though in a beautifully choreographed dance, and even animals moved among them unafraid. But the strange thing was, I didn’t recognize anyone or anything.

Cities of Light - Imagine a Place where people lived in peace and harmonyAlthough I felt Swami Kriyananda’s presence, and knew I was at Ananda, I was puzzled and inwardly asked, “Where am I?” In an instant I knew: I was at the Ananda Village of the future, as Swamiji had envisioned it long ago, and knew that it would someday become.

I was thrilled at the thought that even with

our own limited perspective and abilities, we had played a part in creating what was destined to be a beautiful way of life in the future.

In the late 1980s Swami Kriyananda wrote a book, Cities of Light. When I awoke from the dream, I began thinking of his words there:

Imagine a city—a beautiful city, such as a City of Tomorrow ought to be.

Imagine a community of people who know how to cooperate joyfully together, with kindness in their hearts for one another, and for all those whom their lives touch.

Imagine a city with schools that teach children the art of living, along with the standard offerings of academia; schools that teach them the meaning of success in human, and not in merely economic, terms; schools that teach them how to attract success, how to concentrate, how to overcome their negative moods, how to get along with others.

Imagine a City of Light. Here, the light sought is not material, merely, but is sought first in terms of expanded understanding and awareness.

“Such a place,” perhaps you’ll say, “may be imaginable. But is it possible?”

Such a community is now in existence and is called Ananda World Brotherhood Village. It is a prototype, an offering to others who may feel inspired to build on this example in their own way.

What has been accomplished so far is a reality. It remains a dream also, however, in the sense that, from these beginnings, others may create Cities of Light across the land—communities based on cooperation and friendship, high ideals, simple living, truth, and love for God.*

I realized that my dream had allowed me to see the fulfillment of what Swamiji had seen all along. May we all help to make this dream of the future a reality.

Nayaswami Devi

*Excerpted from Cities of Light.


  1. Pranam Ji

    Dream of Future is assured through Swamiji,s and you Acharyas Blessings. Thank you so much.

    With Gratitude
    R Sundararajan

  2. Thank you for shearing this wonderful Inspiration, it is a honor to be a part of this dream-reality.

  3. A beautiful dream coming true!..Congratulations!..

  4. Bellissimo!!! It reminded me of when we were touring with Shivani in Germany, about 28 years ago, reading this vision of Swamiji’s together with slides of Ananda in America and some also from Assisi. It seemed so much further away from reality than now. So much has been accomplished in these 28 years!!! And so much more will become a reality even in our lifetimes.

  5. Dear Nayaswami Devi Ji,

    How are you? Thank you for the blog :-)

    Ananda Communities are certainly a role model for many of us who would love to be part of it or create such new communities with the ideals of Master and Swamiji.
    Recently my friend got me the book “Need for spiritual communities and how to build them” by Swamiji. looking forward to learning journey.
    Some day, very near in the future with Master’s blessings and Swamiji’s guidance , we would build a community with like minded souls.
    Swamiji ideals towards localisation , education , organic farming , how to live are the most important thing that are required for this time.
    We look forward to be a part of it soon.

    P.S: We look forward welcoming you & Jyotish Ji in Chennai in a few days :))

  6. I deeply love and appreciate the community described and have the same interests and intentions except for one point which deeply disturbs me – that the name of the community states it’s a Brotherhood – this clearly leaves out (literally and by implication) 50% of the human community, since women cannot be Brothers.

  7. And He shall be our light, day and night. It will be known as the city of light. Yes, I too have seen this place where all are of one mind. Love.

  8. So beautiful Devi! I believe it’s happening.

  9. May my wish be full-filled, and I live here. May these villages be the normal for the world. May we all live in this peace and harmony.

  10. Thank you, I am reading a book called “Trespassing Across America,” by Ken Ilgunas, who hiked the length
    of where the Keystsone XLpipeline was supposed to go and wanted to see what effect it was having on
    people and the environment. It is a wonderful book, and he shows an understanding of the farmers
    and landowners who thing the pipeline is the answer to their problems because of the money they are
    getting, as well as describing what it was doing to the environment and to the workers. IT is not a
    pretty picture. So, it is wonderful to receive a vision from your dream of how it can be in the future
    in God’s world.

  11. Wonderland!! So Enchanting and beautiful a dream, coming true..

  12. I had a dream two weeks ago where I was in a vibrant environment of young people. It was outdoors in a Fair like atmosphere. the air was vibrant and joy was everywhere.So much energy of sharing. I recognized no one but knew suddenly that I was at an Ananda event of the Future. There,were many new books on display. and products and art. What a thrilling presage of the future.

  13. Jai Guru & Jai Swamiji !
    Two Visionaries with the courage to dream
    and make manifest Heaven on Earth!

    Jai all Gurubais (past, present & future) who make the “Dream” Real everyday!

    So Blessed to be here…and may this “dream”
    be REAL for all who choose it!

    Thank You Deviji!

  14. Wow, thank you for sharing that beautiful dream, Devi. A divine gift, indeed.

    Joy to you as you share the light~

  15. extremely nice to visualize such an environment,possible only through self realization and universal brotherhood concept.Thank you for invoking such a feeling.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your dream with us. When people are preaching doom and gloom, It is so wonderful to know what a bright and beautiful future awaits this world!

    With gratitude and blessings to you,

    1. Dear Judith,

      Thanks for your comments. We’ve been hearing about how well things are going for you. Sending our prayers and love.

  17. May these Dream Ananda villages be a reality for the new world order where everyone will be roaming freely and harmoniously with spiritual consciousness full of peace and bliss.

  18. I think we are given visions of the future through dreams and out of body experiences. I had a futuristic out of body experience recently too. One strange thing that is going on is what is called on the internet “The Mandella Effect”. This is where many people are remembering a different past reality that is different from today. In doing research I found that I too remember a different past reality. Ther are many movie titles, movie verses, company names, celebrity names that are slightly different in this reality. If you research Mandella Effect on youtube with evidence you also may realize that your reality or past was different then today. For instance, an insignificant change was the famous book we read as children called “The Berenstein” bears. Well, today the spelling is “Berenstain” bears and in this reality there never was a “Stein”. But many people swear it was Berenstein. There are many of these same situations with company names, like Bragg’s apple cider vinegar. But In this reality there is no S. It’s just Bragg, but many people swore it’s been Bragg’s. But if one calls the company, they will say it’s always been Bragg with no S. Also, human anatomy is changed in this reality compared to the way we all remember it. And even nurses are on youtube saying that medical professionals are getting confused now. It seems like we are living in multiple timelines and they have been merged, and some remember the reality the way it is today, and many remember the other timeline. In conclusion, hopefully your dream is the future timeline we will be on. I believe the earth timelines are going to split eventually and the spiritually advanced will go there way and those who do not wakeup (most) will go there way. It’s been prophesied by indigenous tribes that this split is coming. I don’t think Yogananda talked about this, but he was here a while ago. Wish he could let us know what is causing this Mandella Effect and his opinion. Check it out on youtube. Moneybags73 has good videos on it on youtube. It would be interesting to see if you guys recognize the timeline changes. It proves our world is more supernatural then we thought. The book Holographic Universe explains how our world is actually holographic, or a simulation. That is why yogis can perform supernatural feats when they rise above the hologram.

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