As I sat in a meeting on that warm summer afternoon, I wasn’t paying much attention to the crystals hanging in the window or to the faintly colored rainbows moving around the room. Those of us gathered were discussing some administrative matters for Ananda Village that I wasn’t too involved in; my mind, I must admit, was elsewhere.

#Yogananda #quote, "I see you all as beings of light." Touch of Light, weekly blog by Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami DeviHowever, as the sun moved across the sky that afternoon, the light changed, and the rainbows suddenly became vibrant and beautiful. What was more, some of the rainbows rested right on the foreheads of those seated on the side of the room opposite the window. I don’t know if others saw what I was seeing, because no one commented, but for me it transformed the whole experience.

Forgotten was the discussion of mundane matters, and before me sat radiant beings—noble and holy, with a diadem of rainbow colors on their forehead. Today, years later, I have no idea what the topic of discussion was, but I well remember the experience and the words that came into my mind at that moment—words that Yoganandaji had addressed to his disciples: “I see all of you as images of light. Everything—these trees, bushes, the grass you are standing on—all are made of that light. You have no idea how beautiful everything is!”

Recently I co-led a women’s retreat at Ananda Village that was a transforming experience for all twenty-seven of us. At the end of the final morning we seated ourselves in a circle for a closing ceremony. Each of us in turn closed our eyes, offered up mentally our soul aspirations, and held aloft a lighted votive candle in a holder made of little hanging crystals. The woman seated to the left of that person then led us in this prayer: “Lord, bless the light that is in [person’s name].” The rest of the group sent their love and blessings to her.

As the candle and prayers passed from person to person, at first tears quietly filled the eyes of the woman being blessed. Then some began to cry, and as we moved around the circle, one sobbed from a place deep within her heart.

At the conclusion, we all sat in silence for a while, very moved by what we had just experienced. I pondered what had caused such a powerful reaction. Eventually I realized that when we identify with our mistakes, shortcomings, and failures, we deny the true reality of our being. Then it becomes difficult and sometimes painful to accept that we are so much more, or to acknowledge the spiritual power of God’s presence within.

When you become discouraged and see only darkness around you, try to remember these words of Yoganandaji: “I am submerged in Thy eternal light; it permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. Divine Spirit, I behold only Thee, within and without.”

May you awaken to the light of God within.

In that light,
Nayaswami Devi


  1. I experienced that ULITIMATE JOY is a continous process to be GIVER than RECEIVER which generate POSITIVE ENERGY.
    Exchanging Gifts never provide any SELF PEACE It leads to Self-Centered way of life.
    I always reach to the depth of your Sermon which put me towards Common People whose simplicity is a remarkable and they always lookforward to Riseing Sun of next morning but they always welcome to enrich.
    Yes, I feel privileged person that I am receiveing your Guidence.
    Please accept my warm regards to Devi ji and you (Jyotish ji ) too.
    Brij kul Deepak
    Meerut City, India

  2. As I sit in warm summer light this morning in Yakima Washington, and reading my emails I was delighted and inspired with your thoughts of Master”s ‘light’ I look forward to meeting both of you in person and share your light.

  3. Every Touch of Light is insightful and inspiring for me, but this one especially so. Thank you Devi for reminding us that when we identify with our mistakes we deny our true reality as one in the Light, one with God. The reading from Living Wisely Living Well today June 12 is “Cling to your ideals, even when weakness pulls repeatedly into delusion. You are not your mistakes!”

    1. Awesome. Just what I needed on this beautiful, sunny day! Great reminder. Thank you so much…..

  4. You have been steadfast and devoted for so very long. Bless You.
    Such a timely powerful reminder that focusing on failures etc. serves nothing. Thanks for the reminder. Such a vital, encouraging message and such a challenge for me to fully absorb and live from this belief.
    May Joy and Peace shower you and your work.

  5. mm

    Dearest Deviji,
    I also was moved to tears as I could feel what they felt in your closing circle.
    This is a tremendous way to pass on the Light of Master. Feeling the Love of
    our Beloved is humbling to the ego, and there is no recourse for it accept to
    surrender in humility. Thank you dear Devi for sharing the Rainbow of His Light!

  6. Dear, beloved Gurubhai, as Swamiji said in a recent Treasures talk; “Guru Discipleship”, (I struggled awhile with his idea) “I learned very little, directly from Master but a few facts”. I realized he reminded me of the Truths I already new or I wouldn’t have been attracted to what he was telling me. Thank you, as always, for the Divine Reminding. In Divine Joy and Friendship, steve (navi). The name Navi, you may already know, is from a Hebrew song: Eliahu ahanavi…he who is close to God.

  7. That moment of beauty and realisation of the rainbow came to you because of your deep rooting in God and Gurus, because even in the midst of the discussion on mundane matters, a part of you was the detached observer, the Drishta, tuned always to signs of God and his light.
    All of us need to learn that and be like you, rooted always in the consciousness of God, tuned to see his light.
    Then maybe we can be blessed with similar vision

  8. Dear Nayaswami Devi Ji,
    Thank you for the beautiful article :)

  9. Dearest Devi Ji, I just received a link to this blog in a recent mail and am so grateful for it. What a beautiful inspiring note on seeing the Light of God within. Thank you for sharing the closing ceremony experience – it moved me to tears. Thank you for this inspiring blog Ji.

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