In a few days it will be a new year, 2017, and it’s time to think about changes you might like to make. An artist once was asked how he could sculpt such a perfect image of an elephant. He replied, “It’s easy. I just chip away everything that doesn’t look like an elephant.” We need to chip away everything that doesn’t look like the saint we want to become.

There is much spiritually to be learned from one of the most famous of all sculptures, Michelangelo’s “David.” Here are a few techniques and attitudes that will help you resolve in this new year to conquer the Goliath of the spiritual path:

Give 100%: Michelangelo used every bit of the giant piece of Carrara marble that he was given by the Commune of Florence. In fact, there is a slight flat area in the back where there was not enough marble to finish the curve of a shoulder. Our spiritual takeaway: At birth, you were given certain talents, tendencies, and limitations from past lives. Use all of yourself in your spiritual quest.

Stay true to your own vision: There is a famous story: When Michelangelo had completed his masterpiece, the city officials who had commissioned the giant David came to visit and view it. An officer criticized the shape of the nose. The wily sculptor climbed up the scaffold, secretly holding a handful of marble dust. While pretending to chisel the nose, he let the dust fall from his hand. The official looked again and said, “Yes, now it is perfect.” Our spiritual takeaway: Others—parents, friends, co-workers—may want to mold you according to their vision, not your own. On the spiritual quest, you must always be true to yourself.

The Divine SculptorUse your strengths, ignore your weaknesses: Michelangelo purposely exaggerated the size of David’s hands and head, to better portray his capabilities for the upcoming battle. Our spiritual takeaway: Don’t be afraid of seeming a bit unbalanced. You will need all your talents to achieve your spiritual goal. Ignore most of your weaknesses—you could spend all your time trying to improve them only to achieve mediocrity.

How to Be a Divine Sculptor - Teachings of Paramhansa YoganandaPrepare yourself for battle: David is portrayed just before his battle, using a motif called “immanent action” that artists from ancient times have used to heighten tension. David’s physical posture is relaxed, but his head, eyes, and demeanor show intense concentration and determination. Our spiritual takeaway: We must prepare ourselves mentally and through proper attitudes if we hope to conquer maya—the apparently impossible enemy in front of us.

Don’t fight maya on its own terms: In his book David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell points out that David’s victory was assured as soon as he chose to fight. In ancient warfare, a warrior such as Goliath fought against other foot-soldiers with a sword and shield. Someone with a sling, such as David, stood back at a distance and hurled his stone, more like an artillery man. As soon as David stepped onto the field, the onlookers realized that he would win. It was the change of tactics that was key. Our spiritual takeaway: In our sadhana we must change our tactics—we can’t think our way or will our way out of delusion. Our techniques are not meant to help us win the battle in maya’s realm, to make us rich or powerful for instance. Our practices, instead, help to withdraw our life-force and go beyond delusion altogether. And yet, we need to continue to fight the battle because, unlike a static marble sculpture that stays unchanged for centuries, we continually either progress or regress.

Choose the right model: A dear friend, Devi Mukherjee, wrote a book called Shaped by Saints. In his youth he’d decided that he wanted his life to be molded by true gurus, and he spent a great deal of time in the company of the great ones. A great master, such as Paramhansa Yogananda, comes in order to serve as a model of how to live an ideal life, in tune with God’s will. As he said, “O Divine Sculptor, chisel Thou my life according to Thy design!”

In joy,

Nayaswami Jyotish


  1. Dear Nayaswami Jyotish Ji,
    Thank you for the inspiring letter.
    Happy New year to you & Devi JI and to all our friends there :)


    1. Dear Jyotish,
      Namo Narayan!

      Thank you very much for the article. Hope to lead the path in right direction with help of this article.
      Happy New year to you & Deviji as well.

      Rajeev Aggarwal

  2. Thank you Jyotishji for this wonderful, inspiring article.

    Happy New Year to you all and may God shower you all with his infinite Light and Love throughout the new year!

    Om Sharana Jody
    (Florence Italy)

  3. Thank you Jyotishji for this wonderful, inspiring article.

    Happy New Year to you all and may God shower you all withHis infinite Light and Love throughout the new year!

    Om Sharana Jody
    (Florence Italy)

  4. This is so very beautiful!
    I feel I will win!
    with gratitude and love ~

  5. Powerfully inspiring, Jyotish! Thank you and Happy New Year to you and Devi.

  6. Thanks, Jyotish!
    I had the same motive as Devi Mukerjee when I wrote “Beacons of Light:” flooding my consciousness with many saints’ powerful consciousness and light.
    (I had no intention of publishing it at first.)
    Blessings in the new year,

  7. Many thanks for this wonderful inspirational piece! Many blessings for this year into joy, sundari.

  8. Such an inspiring post for starting the new year! Thank you!

  9. Dear Jyotish, Thank you again for another wonderful article that resonates in various ways and sheds a real reminder and brighter light/guidance when/where we are sometimes forgetful. What a beautiful, wondrous quote from beloved Master, and thank you also for sharing it with us. Much joy to you and Devi and all. Namaste

  10. Thank you again dear Jyotish for yet another wonderful article which resonates so much, giving us reminders on insights that we sometimes easily forget, even unintentionally. Such a beautiful quote from beloved Master which says so much to us in a short sentence, bless you and Devi for sharing it with us! Joy to all, Namaste

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