A Touch of Light, Spiritualizing Daily Life

Obstacles or Opportunities?

A friend of ours recently asked, “How can I strengthen my sadhana despite the distractions of being a householder?” To answer, let’s turn to the wisdom of ancient India. The Vedas describe four stages of life: 1) the celibate student; 2) the householder; 3) the person who partially withdraws from outer involvement and hands over most of his responsibilities to … Read More

How to Self Rate Your Spiritual Life, How Am I Doing Spiritually
A Touch of Light, Spiritual Development, Spiritualizing Daily Life

Self-Rating Your Spiritual Life

A while back I saw a self-rating system for artists. It asked painters to rate themselves on a scale from 1-5 for things such as composition, use of color, drawing, and two or three other areas important to a successful painting.