I, The Cosmic Sea

We heard a story about a seeker who as a young man in Europe had read Autobiography of a Yogi. He was so impressed by the book that he resolved to move to America and join Yogananda’s work. Then the news reached him that Yogananda had just left the body, and he dropped his plans. Some time later the great Indian yogi, Swami Ramdas, was lecturing throughout Europe. After taking a week of his classes, the young man asked Ramdas if he would accept him as a disciple.

The saint responded, “I am not your guru; Yogananda is your guru.” The devotee, taken aback, said, “But Yogananda is dead.” Ramdas gave a classic reply: “No, Yogananda is alive. It is you who are dead.” The great ones are not limited by time and space the way we are.

But how can we connect with them after they’ve entered the “gulf after death”? This question is in the hearts and minds of many of us at Ananda, since it is just a year since Swami Kriyananda’s passing. Many have told me that Swamiji has come to them spontaneously, without conscious effort on their part, sometimes in a dream or by a strong feeling of his presence. I, personally, feel him most strongly during meditation, or when I simply remember to ask him for his blessing or guidance.

The insight came recently that I have a subtle veil in my consciousness that hinders a deeper connection to the Divine. It is the habit-born tendency to say, “I can do this by myself.” Sometimes this is due to a bit of pride, but more often it is simply forgetfulness. In the battle din of activity, I fail to remember that God alone is the Doer.

One needs, however, to avoid the pitfalls of passivity on one hand and arrogance on the other, both of which cause trouble. I found two especially helpful tools:

The first is Yoganandaji’s prayer, “I will reason, I will will, I will act. But, guide Thou my reason, will, and activity to the right path in everything.” This establishes the perfect balance between self-effort and reliance on God.

The second is simply to open my heart to Master so he can enter and take charge of my life. When I turn to Divine Mother, as a child turns to his mother, I find that She is there with open arms.

Ananda Moyee Ma gave a touching and reassuring answer to a question put to her: “You ask me whether you are within my ken when I am in my all-comprehensive Self. My answer is, not only you, but even those who have never seen me or heard of me swim into my vision the moment they need me. Then I do the needful for them. Yes, when you think of me, your form flashes across my vision just as objects become visible when the torchlight is focused on them.”

This perfectly reflects Master’s statement, “For those who think me near, I will be near.”

We would all do well to open our hearts to the great ones, keep them near, and accept their ever-willing help.

In love and joy,
Nayaswami Jyotish


  1. Thank you so much! Ananda Moyee Ma’s answer is so reassuring and uplifting! It made me happy and joyful. Thank you! Your painting is absolutely beautiful, inspiring and calming. Blessings to all!

  2. This is such a beautiful letter. It is so what I needed to hear at this moment in time. Surprisingly as I was reading it, I felt this Touch of Light was written through Devi, and then I saw it was Joytish.
    May we all merge In Oneness with our Divine Beloved, Jai Guru, Jai Swamiji.

  3. Thank you for your continued words of inspiration
    God Bless

  4. Thank you,
    this letter is just what I needed to read this morning!
    I am so grateful!
    Susan Kaylee

  5. Brother Turiyananda told me this story personally. It was quite moving. He described how, the moment he entered the room where Swami Ramdas was giving interviews, he threw himself at his feet. “Tears were streaming down my face from my eyes and nose,” he said. He instantly recognized Swami Ramdas’s greatness. He then told me how Ramdas had said, “I am not your guru. He will come later.”
    It was Swami Kriyananda who enabled Brother Turiyananda to become a monk. Turiyananda was past the age when monks could be accepted, but Swamiji brought about an exception. Turiyananda was eternally grateful to Swamiji for this. When SRF turned against Swamiji, Turiyananda remained loyal. He told Daya Mata, “When Kriyananda was here [in SRF], laughter rang in the halls. Now, it’s like a tomb.”
    Being with Turiyananda, however briefly, was a great moment in my spiritual life. He gave me advice that sustained me for decades afterward.

    1. I was blessed by a profound direct experience of darshan from Swami Kryananda shortly after his mahasamadi, I called David at Ananda Palo Alto who advised me that I was not alone. Just the reliving of the event brings tears that will not stop. Tears of Joy, Tears of Wonder, Tears of Peace. OM Shanti

  6. Thank you, Jyotish! These words touch my heart so deeply! I am grateful!

  7. Dearest Jyotish,
    Your words and insight are always so inspiring! Thank you!
    Understanding and especially remembering (in times of challenge or otherwise)
    to call on your GURU, whomever he/she is, is vital on this journey towards the Light.
    Master is with me now and always, THANK YOU for the reminder…
    ~~~Peace, Josette

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